The Father's Love
When Jesus demonstrated how much He honors us by willingly giving up His life for ours – The Standard for Love was set.
Jesus said that there is no greater love than this, that one lays down his life for his friends.
I’m glad I haven’t had to literally die to demonstrate my love for others. But, I feel so privileged to have friends like you who are willing to sacrifice so others may know the Love of God. You have laid down a portion of your life – to give life – for “the least of these.” You have shown the heart of God by loving others before they loved you. “Thank You!” for joining me in this extraordinary life that is only measurable in the context of eternity
The last two weeks my son, Colton, Randy Quartieri, The Brown Family and I have traveled more than 4,000 miles and have seen hundreds of inmates come to know the Love of God in a very tangible way through the 2018 Prison Tour. Not only were we able to speak, sing and demonstrate the Gospel – but we were able to stand in prison yards as men would line up to get a hug.
In one yard, Colton noticed an inmate’s shirt that said “I Got This!” Immediately, he felt like the Holy Spirit was really highlighting the phrase, so he pointed out to the whole group that he believed it was from the heart of God and He was declaring to the group that “He’s Got this!” Hope came alive in that moment, and the whole group lit up with the reality of a Father who is fighting for them, and will restore what was lost
On another occasion, we were right in the middle of one of the presentations and I was talking about forgiveness because the horse kept throwing me off. In that moment, I felt like the Holy Spirit was asking me to repent and ask forgiveness from Colton, after being critical of him earlier that day. Could you imagine what would happen in our families if fathers would demonstrate to their sons and daughters how to clean up and restore relationships through repentance and forgiveness? For a population of fatherless men – it gave them permission and power to do the same with their families.

I’m so thankful to experience these special moments where Colton, the team and I get to partner with Heaven together. These are Divine moments that re-Define what is possible in the lives of broken people. We heard it time and time again that this was the first time that many have heard or ever felt a pure kind of love. A Greater Love. Our Father’s Love.
It is heart breaking to hear the stories of the broken-hearted, but because you sent us and we were obedient to go – signs and wonders followed throughout The Tour.
Thank You again for sending us! It is only possible through your prayers and gifts that we are able to go and declare the Good News of The Father’s Love that still penetrates hearts and changes lives forever!
With all my love,