That All would know the Love of God
When someone has an encounter that reveals the love of God, something has got to give.
I remember the day that the Holy Spirit overcame me with such a loving power. Although nothing visibly changed, everything was different.
Something died inside of me and something else came alive. It has continued to grow to the point that I cannot contain it. This is the kind of life that Jesus bought for all of us, and it is our honor to share this priceless gift.
In a couple of weeks - over Father's Day weekend - more than 20 key leaders of men's discipleship ministries will be joining me in the Wyoming wilderness to celebrate the visions and strategies they each have for awakening the Father's Heart in men. We will unify our efforts to multiply our influence, as it is our desire that All Would Know the Love of God.
Although this COVID-19 season has resulted in having all of our events canceled through July, it has also opened tremendous opportunities that may never have developed otherwise. As you have seen over the years, our voice in and through the prison system has continued to grow steadily. We have seen how hungry these men and women are to encounter the power of knowing God as the perfect Father. Jesus is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit, and I get to see this promise of Psalm 38:14 manifested up close and personal when one of these hurting inmates becomes the attention of heaven.
Suddenly our reach with the Father's Love has been extended a thousand-fold due to new partnerships and doors opening! Our team, board and family are so excited and amazed that I'm experiencing a mixture of panic and joy. Because we cannot physically go into prisons during this quarantine lock-down, we have been asked to provide video content that currently is being accessed in 36 states with more than 400,000 views in the last two months through closed-circuit systems within prison facilities. Over the next several weeks, we are going to begin shooting a series of videos for prisons that have the potential to be viewed by hundreds of thousands of inmates. I have always felt like we needed to do a better job at communicating and sharing our Born Wild experience, but now it's urgent!
I will share more details with you next month, but for now, I feel like we've been handed a microphone and invited up onto the platform in front of a million men, women and young adults in facilities across the U.S. Yes - we have all been impacted physically, emotionally and financially during this season, but may we "remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since we are also in the Body of Christ." (Hebrews 13:3] With your financial support and investment, we can get the Born Wild digital content produced and ready to awaken hearts held captive behind locked down facilities.
Thank you for all the years of love and faithfulness that you've shown our family and Riding High Ministries.
These are exciting times and Leslie and I want each of you to enjoy the fruit that has come as a result of your giving, prayers, and encouragement.