New Life
When Jesus sent out His disciples, He sent them to teach about His Kingdom. It wasn’t a commission to go tell people how to avoid hell and judgment. It was the Good News of His finished work and an invitation into a new realm of living. Yes, the invitation includes forgiveness of sin and a new start. But, that is the doorway into a new way of life that just happens to last forever. Eternal life has already began and the good news is far better than any of us can imagine.
This past weekend, I was able to share a vivid picture of this reality with more than 1,000 people who got to witness what happens when we are consumed with a force much greater than ourselves. I hope you had the opportunity to follow the videos and posts on Facebook and Instagram about the doors Our Father continues to open, as we share the truth of how our entire being is drawn into a place of powerful surrender when we align our hearts to Jesus.
Half the people I spoke to were locked in a prison in Lexington, KY and half were in an Alabama community that has a long history of Christian traditions. In my Spirit I couldn’t see any difference. Both groups were so open and hungry for the transformation that Jesus promises. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. Revival is happening!
So many times I take part in events where I don’t really know the people I am speaking to. Unfortunately, I don’t know all that is happening in their lives. This weekend, however, I got to listen to Rodney and Debby (friends, community leaders, pastor and hosts of the Born Wild Event in Auburn Heights, AL) as they celebrated the miracle of New Life in the families and people they have been loving on and praying for over the years – even decades. I hope I don’t soon forget their celebration that looked more like they had found someone who had been lost than someone who had just “joined their club”.
When you see things through the eyes of eternity, our belief system causes us to take what we do much more seriously.
As I head to Oklahoma next week…just want to say, “Thanks for co-laboring with us!”
Todd and Leslie