Leslie Brought the Bum His Booze
In the Western Culture we live in, we have some messed up perspectives on what ministry looks like. The other day, Leslie was waiting in line at Wal-Mart and noticed the man behind her only had one item. She offered to let him go before her and he took her up on the invitation. When he went to buy his bottle, he was short on change. She felt prompted to pay for him. The kind gesture led to a brief conversation, a hug, and a powerful reminder for this man that Jesus loves him and offers a great plan for him.
When Jesus healed the lepers, He violated the social norms and what everyone perceived as acceptable. When you hug a smelly, homeless guy and give him a reminder of truth, you become the hands of God to a hurting soul. I’m not saying to support destructive lifestyles, but when the Holy Spirit lets you see things through His lens, you may be surprised how you will respond. Faith-Hope-Love. The greatest of these is love.